Experience the enchanting world of Maestro Ennio Morricone, brought to life by Ensemble Symphony Orchestra and led by conductor Giacomo...
Illuminate is a project that seeks to highlight and celebrate the creativity of women both as composers and performers. Illuminate...
The enticing voices of the three tenors Vincenzo Tremante, Alessandro Fortunato and Francesco Fortes, accompanied by a string quartet and...
Please note that this concert date has been changed to Wednesday 19 March 2025. If you have already booked a...
In recent years, recordings of Scala have been used repeatedly in various Hollywood productions. Their unique sound always reinforces...
Part of Manchester Folk Festival 2025. Josienne Clarke has been hailed as the songwriter-poet of melancholy, as well as a...
Part of Manchester Folk Festival 2025. Nick Cope has been writing and recording his beautiful and totally unique songs for...
Come explorers! Get ready to travel across the world to discover new tales and tunes exploring who we are, and...
Come explorers! Get ready to travel across the world to discover new tales and tunes exploring who we are, and...
Manchester Camerata continues their Mozart, Made in Manchester series! This time, tackling the infamous Horn Concertos. These playful concertos capture...
Tickets on sale from Friday 27 September, 10am. The highly anticipated nationwide debut tour from one of comedy’s fastest rising...
Enjoy the UK's leading live music tribute to George Harrison, performing his best-loved hits from The Beatles, his solo career,...