Dillagi Productions proudly presents an enchanting evening of Qawwali and Chai featuring the talented Hussain Haider Qawwal at the Stoller...
“…one of the UK’s most effortlessly fluent big bands” – Jazz Alert "...innovative musicians at the forefront of the jazz scene." -...
Tickets on sale from Friday 9 February, 10am. Extra gallery seating now on sale. Tide Lines rounded off a huge...
This unique brass band performance, combining live music and narrated audio-visual storytelling, documents the history of brass bands through the...
Slava Komissarenko is in Manchester for the first time with his newest and best jokes! The famous Belarusian stand-up comedian...
A singing workshop for young people. MDBrunch is excited to bring Deke Sharon back to Manchester, in partnership with Chetham's...
Martin is the Artistic Director of Manchester Chamber Concerts Society, and we welcome him back to open the Manchester Chamber...
Welcome to Manchester Camerata's final instalment of Mozart, Made in Manchester with Jean-Efflam Bavouzet. Since starting in 2016, the Camerata...
Perfect for children aged 3-5 (and their grown ups!) Our Stoller Story Sounds musical journeys will transport you a beautiful...
Perfect for children aged 3-5 (and their grown ups!) Our Stoller Story Sounds musical journeys will transport you a beautiful...
Perfect for children aged 3-5 (and their grown ups!) Our Stoller Story Sounds musical journeys will transport you a beautiful...
BBC Radio 3’s award-winning Delia Stevens and three-time BBC Radio 2 Folk Musician of the Year nominee Will Pound, deliver...