Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy Trafford Music Service ensembles, orchestras and Infant concerts. The concerts feature Trafford Music students aged from age 5 – 18 years on a wide variety of instruments and ensembles featuring music from films, musicals, classical repertoire, rock and pop.
9.15am – Infant concert 1 – Book Now
Featuring: Wednesday Infant Percussion, Monday Infant Violin, Wednesday Infant Brass, Monday Infant Viola, Monday Infant Ukulele, Monday Infant Choir, Wednesday Infant Choir
10.30am – Infant concert 2 – Book Now
Featuring: Saturday Infant Percussion, Monday Infant Cello, Wednesday Infant Woodwind, Saturday Infant Woodwind, Saturday Infant Brass, Saturday Infant Choir
12pm – Concert 3 – Book Now
Featuring: Senior Guitar Ensemble, Ukulele Orchestra, Junior Guitar Ensemble, Trafford Flute Collective, Saturday Orchestra
1.15pm – Concert 4 – Book Now
Featuring: Saturday Drum Ensemble, Junior Wind Band, Junior Brass Band, Junior Voices, Junior String Ensemble
4pm – Concert 5 – Book Now
Featuring: Intermediate Wind Band, Intermediate Brass Band, Concert Band, Sinfonia
6.15pm – Concert 6 – Book Now
Featuring: Intermediate Strings, Jazz Collective, Philharmonic Orchestra
There will be six concerts taking place during the day, click on the ‘book now’ link to book your time slot.